Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Seasons Deities

Firstly, Happy Winter Solstice!
We have lots to celebrate, especially the court case in PA on Intelligent Design. We can breathe a LITTLE easier, but not too much, we still have this Cable Indecency thing, led by Republican insane man Ted Stevens (and incidentally 3rd in line to the Presidency in National Emergencies). Okay, so it's only Cable we're worrying about here, but let's flip that drug metaphor logic on that thought. Just as some could say marijuana is the gateway to worse addictions, perhaps censorship in the airwaves is only the beginning to worse travesties against the First Amendment as well.

Oh yeah, we also have to worry about being spied on these days too. Where is J. Edgar Hoover when ya need him?

Despite all these red herrings and distractions to the Middle East Mess, let's all try and remember the time of year and what stuff like Christmas trees are all about, really.

Music to bring in the New Year:
Ani Difranco "Evolve"
Polysics or Die!!!!

Reading: Neal Stephenson "Quicksilver". Well, starting, the thing is huge, so let's hope I stick with it and be done by, say, April?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
